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Fresh Fire is a song about seeking deliverance from the darkness and lies that surround us. The lyrics express a desire for a faith that is solid and a need for a lightning bolt to raise us from the grave. The song speaks of the battle between beauty that will rot and the truth that sets us free. Ultimately, the message is one of hope and deliverance from the darkness.

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Текст песни Every Night I Burn группы The Cure с переводом на русский язык. Песня о любви и потере, о том, как тени отнимают нас от наших близких, но мы все равно продолжаем мечтать и ждать. В песне много повторов и метафор, которые создают атмосферу таинственности и меланхолии.

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The song 'Always Six Feet Deep' talks about the end of a relationship and the pain that comes with it. The lyrics describe the feeling of growing cold and the inevitability of the end. The chorus emphasizes the need to keep our hearts from breaking and bury the love that has been lost. The song is a funeral for the love that has died and a reminder to cherish the love that remains.

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Revolution is a powerful poem by IR that tells the story of a doll who lived in a world without hope and control. The doll's father was absent and never came home sober, which destroyed her world and made her mother suffer. The doll is a reflection of the author, who opens up and gives a confession. The poem talks about how the author was played with like a doll and how they thought they died without a conclusion. However, they give their enemy their revolution and sign their bloody acts forever. The poem is a powerful message about standing up for oneself and fighting against oppression.

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Текст песни Burn Out Stars группы M. Описание героя, который не идеален, но является героем для автора. Упоминается о звездах, которые сияют ярко, и о том, что все мы являемся звездами.

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The song 'Everyday's a Vivid Nightmare' is about the struggles of life and the challenges that come with it. The lyrics talk about the difficulties of growing up, dealing with criticism, and making decisions based on the reactions of others. The song encourages listeners to stand their ground and not let others underestimate them. The lyrics also touch on the idea that life can be tough, but it's a gift that keeps on giving, and we should appreciate it. The song ends with a message about not caring what others think and realizing who we're dealing with.

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The poem 'Colour the Dark Past' reflects on the need to distance oneself from painful memories and move on. The speaker acknowledges the lies they tell themselves to cover up their past, but ultimately realizes the importance of letting go. The poem ends with a hopeful message of starting anew and leaving regrets behind.

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